Monday, June 24, 2024

Bug Farmer


Bugs are fascinating. They can be gross, but bees are only a problem if they make a hive in the wrong place. My interest in bees as particularly interesting may have started when I spent the night at a friends house where they kept bees. I only saw the equipment and the box, but it was fascinating to imagine what was happening in the box.

YouTube lets me explore lives I won’t live, and I am enjoying the life of bees. I’m watching multiple channels, and offering advice as if I knew anything. A bee stung me once. It didn’t hurt very much. I’ve never been stung since. I like to think it’s because I am generally calm. 

Bug Farmer is an experimenter. He likes to try new hives and new ideas. He is always moving forward, forward, forward. I pick up a lot of information from his channel, and he keeps my interest.

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