Wednesday, June 19, 2024



Redecor is now an entrenched part of my life. I ration myself to four designs and two redesigns a day. I also work all the places where you can earn coins each day. I do my very best to wait for good sales and ration my token money. I find it so calming. It has also taught me to respect my own opinion.

The judging is a perfect score of three hearts, descending to one heart. I get a lot of one hearts. At first this bothered me, but when I was judging other people’s designs I realized they aren’t like mine. I have a distinctive style I’m calling “Cozy”. There are two things that make my style. One is I’m cheap, so I have to make do with past colors and items. I shop my leftovers first and that provides a lot of inspiration and creativity. The second thing is I like a lot of color. The design above makes me happy with its primary colors. It comes from my happy place.

I’ve decided not to redesign the “one heart wonders” as I’m calling them. They make me happy, and that is enough.

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