Saturday, August 24, 2024

I’m Back!


Somewhere around April I quit reading. I’m not sure why. I love the book I was reading at the time. I just couldn’t find the energy to invest in books and all the activities I center around reading. I tried to force it, but it just wouldn’t go. 

Setting that aside I turned to streaming and Redecor. Eventually it was just noise playing in the background while I thought about my life. Thinking about one’s life is generally a lonely experience unless you can afford a therapist or have very impartial and patient family and friends. 

For whatever reason, I’m reading again. Finally finished Everyman and Medieval Miracle Plays. The book was as great as it was when I took a break from reading. The medieval vocabulary and interpretation of the Bible turn me on. It also puts me four books away from my current Crowhook goal. Lots of goals worth reaching, feel just at my fingertips.

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