Monday, August 26, 2024

Mrs. Who Phase


In the past when I was making the choice about new frames for my glasses I tried to get the most flattering  one. Most of the time I chose the most unobtrusive pair, preferring to present my face rather than a mask, as much as possible.

I am slowly becoming aware that working with children is my thing. I like lots of things. There are many things I can do, but children make me the happiest. If you can help someone get their feet on the good path in their childhood you will save them so much grief. Things that are so hard to adopt in adulthood are simply accepted by children. The school I grew up in loved the quote, “It is easier to build a boy than mend a man.” Setting aside the sexism it is true. I’d like to build children.

Buying new glasses was different this time around. I bought them on line. They offered various ways to virtually try frames on, but I never quite got them working. In the end I just liked what appeared to be a light brown pair. It was a great experience, the glasses arrived swiftly and I love them. They are however, more of a mask. They remind one of Sybil Trelawny. I like to think of them as Mrs. Who from A Wrinkle in Time. Children do need some space from the adults in their lives. Adults carry all the broken things that come with maturity. 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

I’m Back!


Somewhere around April I quit reading. I’m not sure why. I love the book I was reading at the time. I just couldn’t find the energy to invest in books and all the activities I center around reading. I tried to force it, but it just wouldn’t go. 

Setting that aside I turned to streaming and Redecor. Eventually it was just noise playing in the background while I thought about my life. Thinking about one’s life is generally a lonely experience unless you can afford a therapist or have very impartial and patient family and friends. 

For whatever reason, I’m reading again. Finally finished Everyman and Medieval Miracle Plays. The book was as great as it was when I took a break from reading. The medieval vocabulary and interpretation of the Bible turn me on. It also puts me four books away from my current Crowhook goal. Lots of goals worth reaching, feel just at my fingertips.

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Big Plan Books


When I was a child I loved gigantic books. Coffee table books weren’t a thing where I grew up, so anytime I found myself faced with a giant book on a coffee table I was impressed by how fancy this home was. My uncle used to give me some money just to see what I’d buy, and he was particularly pleased with the purchase of Vasari’s Great Masters. I was pleased because it was huge with great pictures and lots to read.

Homeschooling provided an excuse for buying more giant books, like world atlases, science omnibuses, and more art. I used to worry that I’d wasted money, but I recently looked them up. The spines are destroyed. They were getting read even if I wasn’t seeing it. 

I intend to spend significant time with my grandchildren, enough to need planning which is so fun. I’ve bought books (Cousin Camp, Camp Granny) and I’m doing lots of day dreaming. I’ve decided to incorporate a “Big Book Time” into longer stays. I’ll set a timer for 15 minutes or so and let them choose a giant book from the cram jam on the kid book case to explore. With such a variety it might fill an afternoon.

Here are some titles that’ll be on my shelf.

Hammond World Atlas

Vasari’s Great Masters

America’s Glorious Quilts

Earth by James F. Luhr

Peanuts by Charles Schultz

Christopher Columbus by Consuelo Varela

The Illustrated Treasury of Classic Children’s Stories by Charles Santore