Monday, June 24, 2024

Bug Farmer


Bugs are fascinating. They can be gross, but bees are only a problem if they make a hive in the wrong place. My interest in bees as particularly interesting may have started when I spent the night at a friends house where they kept bees. I only saw the equipment and the box, but it was fascinating to imagine what was happening in the box.

YouTube lets me explore lives I won’t live, and I am enjoying the life of bees. I’m watching multiple channels, and offering advice as if I knew anything. A bee stung me once. It didn’t hurt very much. I’ve never been stung since. I like to think it’s because I am generally calm. 

Bug Farmer is an experimenter. He likes to try new hives and new ideas. He is always moving forward, forward, forward. I pick up a lot of information from his channel, and he keeps my interest.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024



Redecor is now an entrenched part of my life. I ration myself to four designs and two redesigns a day. I also work all the places where you can earn coins each day. I do my very best to wait for good sales and ration my token money. I find it so calming. It has also taught me to respect my own opinion.

The judging is a perfect score of three hearts, descending to one heart. I get a lot of one hearts. At first this bothered me, but when I was judging other people’s designs I realized they aren’t like mine. I have a distinctive style I’m calling “Cozy”. There are two things that make my style. One is I’m cheap, so I have to make do with past colors and items. I shop my leftovers first and that provides a lot of inspiration and creativity. The second thing is I like a lot of color. The design above makes me happy with its primary colors. It comes from my happy place.

I’ve decided not to redesign the “one heart wonders” as I’m calling them. They make me happy, and that is enough.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024



From my earliest memories I have always had projects I was working on. Simple things like making a bouquet of flowers for Mommy and how to get away with wearing shorts, kept my little brain chugging along, and that’s never changed. The projects are still there, all stacked up on top of each other and going nowhere. I’ve lost the energy to make things finished/real. My BUJO is untouched. My Zettelkasten has no new notes. The TBR pile is going backwards as the new books pile on and the old books aren’t read. Even the work of logging in the last couple hundred books is going nowhere. Forget about writing I can’t even get a Willow story out. 

I don’t know what to do to get back on track. Maybe I needed a break more than I ever thought I would. In any case the well is empty and all progress seems to be frozen.

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

A Relative Term


Korean TV is the young person’s Brit Box. I am not knocking Brit Box. It is charming and cozy in ways that are thoroughly enjoyable, and it has enough variety to keep you happy for a long time. If what you want is charming and cozy. If your tastes are more diversified such as sci fi, historical drama, fantastical adventures and improbable sit coms Korean TV has a hit list on it with something for everyone. There is the heart-warming Extraordinary Attorney Woo with it’s heart melting autistic lead. The King’s Affection and Captivating the King offer a lot to think about without requiring thinking at all. The School Nurse Files is amazingly weird. You have to keep watching because if you stop you’ll never understand the show’s logic. Castaway Diva led by the amazing Park Eun-Bin is the classic unlikely happy ending. 

In any case, I’ve gone from noting, “It’s Korean” to actively looking for Korean shows. I find mine on Netflix. Let me know where you find yours.