Sunday, April 23, 2006

For My Friend Frebby

I got to thinking about you, my theoretical audience, and I wondered what kind of effect all this discussion of names might have on that poor, sweet, urban legend, Shi Thead. What if your mother had the amazing courage to name you something as bizarre and beautiful as "Vagina" or "Fuck"? All my fuss over God's gift of your name might make you suicidal or deepen your resentment that your mother was suicidal when the form came around. What is there to say to you?
Don't despair. Don't throw away what you are half-examined. Don't let the positive associations you've dared to dream up languish in a bottom drawer. We all promise to keep breathing while you dazzle us with the amazing products of your shit. Let it all hang out. The world's in need of a grand burlesque.
Even the name "Hitler" has its gifts. What would the last century be without that great villain to provide this century with a vocabulary for the creeping evil that we are fighting in every church, synagogue, temple, university and public bar. If you bear that name and its dark gifts turn it inside out for us and show us the sunny side. Because if you are wearing it, it has somehow been repurposed like Mary's name. Mary, the greatest saint, the icon of submission--her name means "rebellion." Can you imagine "rebellion" showing up pregnant?

"Well that was predictable. What kind of mother names her child, Maria?"
(A saint.)

You know the old joke about a father caught in the act shouting, "Your mother's a saint." Well, listen to your Father, he's right. And get the "Fuck" out there.


Anonymous said...

Shithead is real she was in my friend from church's class. (Larissa) She is not an urban legend. Larissa called us all and asked how in the world she was going to pronounce that. --in class in front of other students. We found out it is Shi TH eed. I guess there is something for the honesty of it. My dh has helped Candida and Clamidia into this world as the delivering Dr.


Christine Ansorge said...

Wow, I thought that was just a floater I'd bumped into somewhere. Thanks for making my message concrete. bunches.