Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Office Weather


My Room of My Own is unheated and over the garage. I try not to complain because so few women have their own office, but I’m just in my fifties and the Michigan cold can seep into your bones if you sit in it long enough to get any significant reading or writing done. Spring, however, is here, and it is time to rescue my office from convenient storage dump to workhorse. I have a flair for building long term projects and amassing the necessary (and extraneous) supplies. It gave me great pleasure to sit The Tale of Genji on my medieval shelf. Little finds like that of books that aren’t widely appreciated, but whose value I’ve uncovered make my library a treasure cave. Frederick Buechner wrote a charming piece about his library that resonated with me even though I was without a library at the time. I’ve enfolded memorabilia into my shelves because he recommended it. It does double the pleasure, but I think it may be time for an edit. I have stock-piled books and stationary and craft supplies, and while I can imagine and explain each items purpose, mostly, I can’t make my office any bigger. My projects will have to shrink to fit my office.

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