Friday, June 23, 2023

Thinking Small

 I think it started with Mrs. Wagner reading us Charlotte’s Web in the second grade. Officially she taught the fourth grade, but she collaborated with my dad (who taught second and third) about extras like reading aloud and music and nature walks. When we came to the bit about Charlotte eating bugs Mrs. Wagner took a minute to really think with us about what the world would be like without spiders. I became a spider friend on the spot, and I’ve gradually adopted most bugs. Wasps are an exception. They are unreasoning and mean, and one stung me twice because I was dumb enough to think it was a bee gasping its last.

Wasps, ticks, and mosquitos aside, I can get interested in the tiny doings of bugs. Spiders are still a favorite. Bees make a close second. I’ve only been stung by a bee once and even though I was rather small at the time it felt like an accident. I still get startled by unexpected guests/intruders, but people can have the same effect.

This summer I hope to reacquaint myself with all those creatures. I want to go on picnics and walks outdoors more frequently then I have in recent years. I have most of the gear, which is usually half the battle. Scheduling is another beast. I’ll be working on when and how and what to work on this weekend. 

You’ll find me head downwards. 

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