Friday, June 16, 2023

And Keep It All the Year

 VBS, Vacation Bible School will forever be special to me. The church I grew up in threw themselves into making the best VBS they could, and honestly it held a place right under Christmas in my heart. I try to keep plugged in to my current parish’s VBS, but I’d let things lapse for several years. This year they asked me to do the play, how could I say no to that? 

The play is called “What the Grasshoppers Have Eaten.” I crammed it full of imagery the kids probably won’t get, but I had a good time writing it. I designed the set. Lots of people helped me put it together. I picked up simple props and costumes. The kids were cast by a combination of suggestions from people who know them and what the script needed. They are all working hard.

I find myself a little teary as I think about all the people who made VBS for me, and so joyfully that I’ve never become jaded or disinterested. They are all heroes.

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