Sunday, January 15, 2023

Bold and Spicy!

I grew up on Campbell’s Baked Beans, and I hate to say it, but they made me hate beans, blindly and vehemently. They weren’t as bad as onions, but if you were going to choose food for the week I would pray for better choices. Beans slowly worked their way onto my menu through chili and other recipes where the beans were supporting ingredients. I was doing my own shopping as a grown up woman with a husband who appreciated beans, so I was looking for anything other than Campbell’s. Busch’s seemed high end so I picked up a can of Bold and Spicy and fell in love. I still don’t like beans a lot, but Bold and Spicy tastes the way I always imagined beans should taste. I do enjoy them. I enjoy them a lot, but for some reason they are hard to find. I check almost every store I go in. If you have them, enjoy them, and let me know where you are. Maybe I could pick some up on vacation. 

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