Saturday, November 12, 2022

Alexandra Gater

Anemoia, a nostalgia for something that never happened. I was too young to live off campus according to the rules of my conservative Christian university, then I was too broke to live alone after I graduated and then I was too much in love. All of it adds up to what feels like a missed opportunity. I never lived alone. I never had no one to answer to but myself. I like to imagine what it might have been like.

If I ever did live alone, I’d ask Alexandra Gater what to do with my space. Her savvy and ephemeral approach seems like it is perfect for the gilded girl. I too love pink, though my shade might be a little different. The new dark and moody episodes are so charming. Almost everything she does with books I am there for, and if I was living alone there would be books. Renter friendly also means easy to change, and I like the freedom of that.

Thank you, Alexandra for feeding my daydreams such beauty and class on a budget.

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