Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Sara Malka: Mother, Doctor, Orthodox Jew

I love to learn about other cultures. Good human behavior comes in so many flavors, but always a similar spine of morality, creativity, and lots of love. The truly great communities reach out beyond the boundaries with excessive love. Sara Malka is blessing her audience with the treasures of Orthodox Judaism. Every episode has helped me understand this community and I find myself appreciating some things I didn’t think I would. The Mikvah seemed so rigid, but if it is truly treasured by both the husband and wife I can see the value. The bug hunting was enlightening, but I must admit I couldn’t give up broccoli florets because of it. I have lots more episodes to watch. My hope is to be able to meet Orthodox Jews without offending them. My enthusiasm for meeting someone new can lead to unintentional mistakes.

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