Thursday, May 11, 2023

Comp Titles

 I have a finished manuscript. It’s a middle-grade literary adventure about evil. As I have been researching the querying process the importance of comp titles erupted. I thought they were looking for books like mine, and they are, but recent new books not old established books. This is going to be a bit of a pain across all my writing projects because I don’t read a lot of contemporary fiction. My reading time has been very precious until recently, so I wanted to invest in the “sure winners”of the classics. I also binge read three Christian romance novels in the early nineties, and swore I would never waste so much time again. 
But here I am looking for comparative books for my work. My efforts have been haphazard, but I’m warming up. I’m watching YouTube “Book Tube” videos for advice. I’m following Levar Burton’s bookclub. I check the tables at Barnes and Noble and consider the suggestions of Goodreads. I would still prefer spending my time reading classics, but I have to say Lesson in Chemistry was a good time. It isn’t a comp title for anything I’m writing, but it is a good time.

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