Sunday, December 03, 2006

A bruised reed He will not break

Sometimes God liked the stuff he put in the Bible so much He quoted himself to get it in twice. One of my favorite passages is the passage from Isaiah 42 that Jesus fulfills as noted in Matthew 12:18-21. I love the idea that Jesus won't even break an already damaged reed, even a smoldering light will be allowed to smolder on. For too long now I've been a damaged reed and a smoldering light, but today I felt the touch of Jesus. Today I went to church, and no one hurt me. Today was a day of decision and I haven't made one yet. I was left to continue mending without any fanfare, fuss or deadline. Puzzled but pleasant people once again offered me the sign of peace as I once again sat through the Eucharist. My fellow classmates all went forward and underwent the peculiar ritual of having the sign of the cross made over them several times and several ways, and then they were dismissed, while we sat alone in the crowd of the confirmed.
Slowly it is dawning on me that I am safe. I have found a harbor where I can rest unmolested, unhurried and unharmed. I can listen for the voice of Jesus without adrenaline pounding in my ears. I can inquire for direction without the fear of disappointing others or being manipulated into hearing something I didn't hear. The hand of Christ is held out to me open in invitation not command. No one is love-bombing me into misery. Thank you, St. Mary's. I'm sorry it's taking so long.

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