Saturday, March 11, 2023

Know Thy Translator

It’s a problem I’ve met before. When dealing with ancient and medieval literature you are largely dealing with translations. A good translation can take a text and make it great. A bad translation can make you hate Homer forever. Usually the problem is financial. I can’t afford to buy all the translations of a text to find the best one. I do have access to academic libraries, but it involves driving and parking downtown. Over time I’ve developed a system of internet and bookstore research. A lot of times it’s common sense, except when it isn’t.

I love Barnes and Nobles Hardcover books. They are beautiful, well-bound and a pleasure to read from. I saw their edition of Arabian Nights and it is stunning! I did what I seldom do and bought it for me. Thank you to whoever gave me the gift card! When I came to reading The Arabian Nights for Crowhook I was quite eager to pull it out and get reading. Until I wasn’t. Crowhook is for middle school to high school kids. The graphic depictions of an orgy is front and center. While my kid in that age bracket reminded me that people do have sex. I still feel, perhaps an old-fashioned need for decorum when working with young people. I hit the internet looking for options. I came to the conclusion that Musawi’s translation was more appropriate for my purposes. As a grownup I can appreciate the more accurate translation, but I like to allow kids to bloom at their own pace.

Musawi is working out quite well so far. Arabian Nights is a treasure of stories. Kids certainly ought to be reading it.

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