Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

 Every year I try to bake something for my neighbors. Sometimes they are a huge success; sometimes they are an epic fail—I’m looking at you mini bundt cakes. This year’s offering is kind of middling. The original idea was to do a lot of different kinds of cookies that were easier to bake, but I find keeping all those recipes straight strenuous. I was giving up, so I went to JoAnn’s. JoAnn’s often has some little thing that will inspire me. I was in the right place. 
I collect Comfort Grip Cookie Cutters. They haven’t been putting out new ones very frequently lately. I always check at all the stores, but not much output. I was in line at JoAnn’s when someone exclaimed “That’s what I was looking for.” I looked over and there in the front of the store with all the seasonal on sale were what looked to be four new Comfort Grip Cookie Cutters. They are actually from a company called “Stir.” They look the same. They cut the same. They got me thinking. Rolled and cut cookies are a little tedious, but I have a very flexible sugar cookie recipe. I could make dough after dough without changing measurements and only minor changes in ingredients. I bought the Stir Cookie Cutters and headed home.
It was tiring, but I did the doughs one night and the baking the next. I changed up the flavors by adding lemon zest, crushed candy cane, crushed Werthers, crushed Red Hots, dutch processed cocoa, and then I used Marcia Adam’s Gingerbread Dough. (I could have made ginger flavored sugar cookies, but I love the Marcia Adams recipe.) They were delicious and can be manipulated into sort of a scene if you leave out the enormous penguin. :)
It’s fun to push for a gratuitous project each year. We have great neighbors.

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