Saturday, April 16, 2022

A Secular Holy Day

 As I looked over my calendar to see what was coming next after the Easter season, I discovered Earth Day right around the corner. A few years ago what we used to call nature films came out in proximity to Earth Day and we would take our children to see the latest one. It was a very nice way to think beyond ourselves and to feel that we were part of a larger community that cared about the Earth. Why don’t we have events like that around Earth Day? Borrowing from ancient ideas of how to bring a community together and forge a common identity that works to meet mutual goals is a good idea. We could start with a movie and work our way up to an Eco Lent where we would give up air conditioning or plastic wrap or go vegetarian for a defined time—long enough to change habits but not so long as to be onerous.

Holy days, an excellent idea for difficult human work.

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