Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sagrada Familia

Kurt was born in Spain eleven days before I was born in the mountains of Maryland.  We never considered visiting his natal country when we were younger because there was some concern he might be drafted by the Spanish military.  That is no longer a problem and the more I think about it, I think it would be a spectacular trip when Kurt retires.  I'll admit that a Sixty Minutes report on the Sagrada Familia might have been a nudge, and my growing fascination with St. Teresa of Avila didn't hurt, but the more I learn about Spain the more I want to learn.
The big draw is the Sagrada Familia.  It's got faith.  It's got art.  It's got architecture.  It is very, very, very, Catholic.  I love all the parts.  I'm not as in love with the whole, but since it isn't whole yet I feel it will grow on me.  It calls out to my soul, and I'm learning to trust that feeling.
As a person in love with all things medieval, I think I would love Avila for itself, but the number of things that are preserved from the life of St Teresa make it irresistible.  
The Prado is a prize and near the Air Force base where Kurt was born.  All the descriptions of the Spanish Riviera make it sound like after I've walked his legs off, we might have fun on the beach.  The food sounds spectacular, and I want to sample the products of such an ancient mingled culture.  There might be clues for today.

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