Monday, August 15, 2011

Ollie Ollie Oxenfree

I don't know who taught me to yell that at the end of hide and seek, but I imagined some little man answering my call like Elijah at Passover. Each school year I feel like I'm calling out the scholarly side of my children and they keep hoping to stay out of sight. This year, like it or not, they are going to have a good time. Our two eldest are off to public school, which leaves me with two kids worth of extra energy for the remaining four.
Uniforms are getting old. We like to be more casual now. The only thing we really like about uniforms was the price, so I found a compromise, t-shirts. CheapesTees is having a 20% off sale, so I speced out a Monkey Summer solution. Everyone gets 5 teeshirts in their favorite color. Mom gets one of everyone else's color, except for Fridays, I got pink for Friday. Picking up the jeans is easy and cheap making this years uniforms likely to be the best clothes solution ever.
We're back around to Human Anatomy and Phys. I'm so excited. It is my favorite subject. As in year's previous, I'll be relying on Dr. Goodman's course from The Teaching Company for organization and basic facts and then adding in activities and games from books I've collected.
Mpving on to history, we're going medieval so that keeps me happy. I'm struggling with what books to ask our third to read. I want her to read some real medieval literature, but I don't want to overwhelm her. She didn't grow up on the KJV. I'll obviously have her read a Redwall and The Once and Future King, but I was always sad to realize the book I'd read wasn't really ancient. I wanted some authentic experience of the time. I wanted to connect with a medieval person. I don't know what my student will want. Susan Wise Bauer's new series, particularly The History of the Medieval World, will be her giude this year. I'm sure she will miss the coziness of the read aloud history I do with the young ones.
Math we are going Horizons all the way. It may not be the best program, but it's the one my kids like to do. I can live with that.
Writing, spelling, literature, I'm taking a homemade approach based on composition books. I feel most comfortable with this side of things. Horizons will keep my fledgling reader going, but everyone else will be winging it with me.
Phys Ed is new this year. Studying the human body lends itself to a study of health and fitness. We've made stabs at it in the past, but this year I've assigned a time and laid out activities including the pool at the Aquatic Center. I'm hoping we'll get it right for this year and years to come.

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