Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Whole World is Ya Ya!

When I was a child I longed to be part of a secret club. I spent my childhood on the lookout for folks who knew the passwords and inventing disguises and codes for when I finally found my tribe. The trouble was everyone who seemed to know the passwords were wearing disguises and speaking in codes. What I really needed was someone who could see through disguises and read codes. What I needed was to see my true self in someone else's eyes, that was the only way I could imagine seeing myself. I thought someone else had to find me first, but I was wrong.

In order to see I had to learn how to look. I had to learn to look through my own mirror and read the backwards writing, backwards because that's the only way it makes any sense. What we all need is to learn to see through our own disguises, when you can do that you not only see yourself you see all the world around you. I'm getting better at this and what I'm seeing is a world of people who are scared shitless. Giving up your shit before you read it is a bad idea. Just ask Oprah, she did a whole show on it. A Rush to Flush can rot your whole colon out. Bonafide fact. Many people writing about clutter, purging and organizing are trying to escape their crap, but sooner or later everybody's "beday" overflows with "darknight." You can't clean yourself into somebody else and if you could you wouldn't like the result.

We are designed to shit. It's what we do, and while I'm not recommending that you trade in your mud mask for something earthier, I am suggesting what's in your pores is as important as reducing them. Learning to accept the uniqueness of your imperfections is the first step in realizing you're perfect just the way you are, and so is everybody else. Ya Ya!

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