Friday, December 15, 2023

JoAnne Salmon: Swimming Along in Watercolors


As a preschooler I was quite delighted to find out that Mrs Wetzel would be coming over to babysit me one day after church. Mrs. Wetzel was a first grade teacher who always had interesting things to do. When she arrived she asked if I could keep a secret, and went back to her car to get a large canvas and other painting supplies. She didn’t expect to get very far with a preschooler on her hands, but I was mesmerized watching the barn and field coming to life. She had it nearly finished by the time my parents came back. She presented them with the painting as a present. I was proud of my contribution of sitting on the bench quietly.

Painting still has the power to hold my attention, and lately it’s been JoAnne Salmon who’s been wielding the brush. Her scenes are charming, and I like the colors she uses. The little animations at the end make you smile. I believe she worked on a children’s show, and I want to find out more about it. 

JoAnne’s channel is young, so you can easily get in on the ground floor. Be careful though. I blew through most of the existing episodes in a few days. There is something restful to the mind about Jo’s work. I may go back and rewatch them all.

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