Thursday, November 03, 2022

Katie Carson, Duchess of Suds @ Royalty Soaps

 On You Tube you meet so many interesting people. If I was forced to choose a single word to describe Katie Carson it would be “fun”! I don’t remember how I first became mesmerized by soap making videos. I watched everything and enjoyed it, but after a while there were a few stand outs. Katie is certainly one of them. She is so warm and open-hearted that I believe I would watch her doing something as banal as doing the laundry, because she would make it fun. Katie pulls you along with her in the well-trodden dance of mixing lye and oils. She uses a lot of glitter, but it’s her heart that’s glowing. Katie uses themes to keep things fresh and she goes way beyond the seasons, creating such themes as the Secret Soap Series and Lord of the Rings. I bought her soap for my mother, and my mother loved it. 

Katie’s business is a family business and it shows. Some of my favorite videos are of her making things with Lily her little daughter.

The best thing about Katie’s videos comes at the end when she reminds her viewers to do something fun for themselves and offers up suggestions of things to do. Everybody needs permission to be good to themselves sometimes.

Right back at you Katie. Do something fun for yourself today, like building a blanket fort with Lily and William or sitting in the sun just because. You certainly do love people by making soap.

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