Thursday, September 22, 2022

Socks Day


Every year around April I’d pick a day when homeschooling was dragging and declare it “Sandals Day!” We’d hit Payless Shoe Source for all it was worth and get everyone new sandals. It was enormously fun and the kind of planned spontaneity that makes for good, productive memories.
The poor unfortunate counterpart was “Socks Day. If U replace the vowel you’ll understand my true feelings about Socks Day. The freedom, the ease, hint that things were going to be freer and fresher was snuffed out with socks and sneakers. Suddenly there was more laundry that magically disappeared. All the little piggy toes said goodbye until next year when new sizes would proclaim they were leaving me.
They are mostly gone now, so I am observing Socks Day alone. My comfortable loafers have sat frozen for the summer, and the drawer is overflowing with socks. I wish I had someone to make sock puppets with. Perhaps I should give some to Dobby. 

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