Monday, September 05, 2022

Dried Squid

My grand ambition as a child was to be a missionary in Africa where I would teach young students how to read. My family had ambivalent feelings about my ambitions as the rare bits of news that reached my hometown from Africa were generally worrisome if not down-right terrifying. “Anywhere With Jesus” we would sing, but in their hearts the hope was, “not there.” All of this seemed to be a long time before it needed real worry, so whenever they served something they knew I wouldn’t like they would challenge me that I needed to learn how to eat it and be grateful, because who knew what kind of food people in Africa would serve me. (I had an African roommate, and she served me amazing food.) 
I never got good at that, but I still try occasionally. I have fallen in love with anchovies. I have to restrict them to once a week, and I’m always looking for ways to cheat. Such a surprising new favorite has led to some experimentation. Sardines are out, but I plan to give mackerel a try. I rediscovered tuna and canned salmon. At my Costco they offered dried squid, and it intrigued me. I gave in and bought it and was surprised to find it sweet. I had imagined a sea-weedy saltiness, but the dominant flavor is sweet. It was a pleasant flavor, but not crave-able—or so I thought. It kept haunting me in the final moments of reading or stitching. I found I wanted it. I have been won over, and I recommend it to you.


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