Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Day and Night

Yesterday, I woke up late and had to start at a run.  It never stopped until I went back to bed.  Today will be just the same.  
This is the best homeschool year yet.  Three seems like a very balanced number of students.  We get so much done together that I won't be changing anything on our lesson plans.  The trouble is I don't even get lunch.  In previous years, there has been a half an hour or so when I supervised but didn't instruct.  This year I'm working with someone from 9:30-3:00.  To get a workout and the elevated endorphins that go with it, I treadmill over lunch. 
We have two major "social" activities each week.  Religious Education at St. Mary's is one of my favorites because it is so easy and the content elevates our hearts.  The LMHSC Muskegon Homeschooling Co-op is also terrific.  My kids enjoy the classes and have a chance to practice useful skills like raising their hand, walking in lines, and changing rooms.  I have the pleasure of teaching subjects I love. For us it is a win-win.  This year co-op has expanded into the afternoon with a 
stronger emphasis on academics, and all the classes co-ordinate around ancient history.  We have Aristotle Leads the Way about ancient scientists.  We have Ancient History-based Writing Lessons, and I am team teaching History through Art and Literature, taking the literature part.
I am up to my armpits in work and people that I love, but I'm going to have to hope I get through lesson prep, reading a Shakespeare play and the Lamb version every week.  I'm also going to be reading and rereading important works of the ancients.  I have to prepare good content after the reading, and there is the physical toll of being present everywhere I'm needed, never mind the housework.  I don't know if I can do all this, but I can try.  It's only everything I ever wanted to do. 
It's my cylinder seal. 

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