Tuesday, August 05, 2008

School already? Where did the time go?

School is coming. For the first time in years I'm not really planning. I've got the curriculum pretty set. The schedule is working itself out. There is no need to fuss with decorating the basement. I had hoped to paint it blue, but you can't have everything. Maybe blue would have been a bad call. I wish I could move our kitchen table down to the basement so that we'd have more room for everybody. This year we have five students, and a teacher who has vowed to set a good example by studying and working right along with the kids. Our current table is very nice, seats four and is built for children around the age of 9. I think I'll be able to spread things out, and one child will be doing the bulk of her work on the computer.
None of it really matters. What matters is the attitude with which we approach our project and everyone is being positive. I was mulling over the difficulty level of my oldest's work and she reassured me that she'd already read some of the titles I was considering and she was sure she could keep up. I hope she's right. Our second struggles with spelling, but after working together this summer she seems ready for more challenge. Number three will be working on the computer. She's been watching older siblings do it for years and she's kind of excited. Number four is eating any challenge I throw at her for breakfast. I just hope I've got enough for her. Our little son is demanding the same kind of attention his sister used to, so we're going to start him on work that is a year beyond his age. If it doesn't work out, he'll be more prepared for next year. Baby will be busy sleeping, eating, burping and drooling. We expect excellent work for his first year. :)
My fears about the Chemistry have subsided. NOEO science is helping me with the younger people. My videos and reading have been doable. I'm pleased to discover it isn't as bad as it seems. Everything else is exciting. This year feels like the first year where I know what I want to accomplish and how I want to accomplish it. Ironic since this is the least planned for year in our history. I guess I just needed to find my own groove.

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