Monday, August 18, 2008

An Ordinary Day at Home

Kurt and I are trying to get back on the winter schedule, so the alarm rings too early and we ignore it. The second alarm does the trick which is good because baby wants his breakfast. Baby gets fed. Everyone else is excited because Dad bought sugar cereal. Reminders about unfinished chores need to be given, but most of the kids comply without further reminding.
I decide that all the books I'd hauled upstairs need to be returned to the classroom. I'm hoping inspiration will hit me because I'm in the right setting. The schedule is a problem with our new four day school week. I am sure that joining a homeschool group is a good thing for our girls as finding faithful friends has been a struggle recently.
Once I'm settled in the basement, the need to bring the room back up to school year standards strikes and I try to get the kids excited about digging through bins and throwing out last year's worksheets. Baby gets hungry and unhappy. The cleaning crew ditches me for lunch.
A friend comes to visit the oldest, so I relax things for everyone. Most of the kids head out to the yard, and then migrate to the garage. Baby gets his nap. I try to make progress, but I just can't seem to focus. Summer fever isn't only for kids.
I panic about dinner and then I remember I put one of the meatloaves in the crockpot. Some potatoes and green beans and we're good. I'm not sure what I'll do after the frozen meals run out. We can see the bottom of the freezer. I originally thought I'd be ready to sign up for another marathon cooking day, but I miss working with fresh food. The Cook's Illustrated bug is reasserting itself. If nothing else we have to make that French Onion Soup again.
The outside became boring, so the children flowed back into the house. Two of them must have a bath and an older girl volunteers to supervise. The oldest takes over watching the baby and I hit the treadmill. I take inventory of the damages after my workout. We've lost a large quantity of shampoo--otherwise not bad.
Kurt arrives home and we head downstairs for our new joint workout. He takes on the treadmill and I use the stationary bike. Someday I will be able to ride a bike but for now the stationary bike is as good as it gets.
We eat the meatloaf, and the kids enjoy the treats Dad bought them yesterday. Baby goes to bed, and I have a little time to work on that schedule.
Maybe I'll get around to it tomorrow.

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