Friday, August 22, 2008

East Meets West

I've got too many good ideas and not enough time. I have an essay for this blog that I can't get out of the brainstorming phase. I have my novel which is finally picking back up. I rewrote one section 3 times before I had a version that I didn't hate. A character that I thought was a minor throwaway is now refusing to go quietly. I'm trying to think how I'll get rid of him without either rebalancing the ending or making my readers hate me. I just found a fun website where I could play around with T.V. School called WeBook. On top of all of that, I'm haunted by this project and the first story in it. I'm writing a series of children's books about the great ideas. I'm doing my best to incorporate details that while they'll just be furniture to the child as he/she grows they'll become good jokes. My parents suggested one of the best. The dog in the story about justice will be named Hammurabi.
The thing that has begun to worry me is that I'm taking a Western approach. If I want to write something that will last it has to include Eastern wisdom. The broader an approach I take, the more inclusive it will be in the long term. We're in the age of getting acquainted. For the first time in human history it's more difficult to find solitude than it is to find company. I'm not talking about emotional solitude, emotionally we are more isolated than ever. I mean that even at The Center of the Earth (fun movie) there is always your cell phone or satelite phone or something. I'd like to write a book grounded in that new reality. I'd like for the series to bring people together.
The problem is I'm not as familiar with Eastern wisdom. I'm also wondering if I try to do too much if I'll ending up doing too little. Sometimes it's best to stick to what you know.
Duty calls.

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