Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Pick and Run

In my front yard are three whiskey barrels filled with dirt and herbs. I added this feature to our yard to disguise a dead spot in the lawn, but as soon as the plan formed I could see all the joggers, walkers, bikers getting a savory whiff and I knew my barrels were meant for greater things. I am not merely covering up dead grass; I am expanding my community's culinary imagination. Right now my plants are too small, but once they are well established I'll put out a sign inviting passers-by to sniff and snip for their dinners. I see Lean Cuisines brightened with a chiffanade of basil, or fresh dill will be perking up Friday's fish. I'm hopeful the flavor of cilantro will escape the salsa bowl. I have great expectations for my little experiment in community building. I'll keep you posted. Meanwhile, if the imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and you'd like to flatter me you can find ideas for your own sniff and snip garden here.

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