Friday, March 24, 2006

My Way

For most women my age it's their biological clock that's suddenly gotten noisy, but for me it's my ambition. I already have five children. That just might be all the noise I need. I decided somewhere in the midst of college to put reproduction first and career would come after. There was some research that indicated that women's careers didn't really take off until their 40's, and by then logic would indicate that sexual harassment should be slowing down, so I planned my life exactly backward according to conventional wisdom. So far, it's been a great plan. The kids are all well and healthy. I really love being a full time mom, but forty is getting closer. It's going to be time for me to start focusing on a career. I'm almost certain what I want to do now that I'm growing up, but it's still a little fuzzy. The thing I overlooked as I planned was the insecurity I feel just getting started now when everyone else has been out there establishing themselves. My friends have terrific resumes, and I am just getting a clue. On the other hand, I can savor the process in ways I wouldn't have. I already have a position as a person of value, my career will simply be icing. I'm not overwhelmed by twin demands because I have some experience managing home and family. I can create a career to fit my life instead of trying to fit a baby into an established career.

When it all becomes boggling, I remember that this is a rare opportunity I've been handed. I have had the chance to choose my own life. For better or worse I got to make my own plan and so far, I've been able to see it through. What other time in history did women have such freedom? If my life is a failure at least I got to try it my way. Most of the time that's more than enough.

1 comment:

russelllindsey said...

I've really enjoyed reading your blog. I have to say, this particular post really spoke to me. I continue to feel as though I am failure simply due to taking some time after college to truly figure out where I want to go with a career - and plan a relationship and hopefully a family before I have to plan my family around a career.

Right after college graduation (close to two years ago now), I chose to start working immediately (I relocated across country and started working not even a month after I graduated) instead of trying to get everything else in order first. Quite simply, it didn't work. After working in Houston for almost exactly a year, I moved back to Michigan to start over. While things are a bit difficult financially for my fiance and I, he now has a great job and my career is the only piece of the puzzle left.

I am glad that our relationship now comes FIRST. While it has been extremely difficult for me to sit back and truly look at where my life is going, I know that I am much wiser for it.

Thanks for the great blog!
