The Great Courses from The Teaching Company were something I let sit on my radar for far too long. If you like to learn new things, this is the company for you. As a homeschool parent, this is a source of grade A information without the grade A strain. My first purchase, like most things, was for the kids, but now I've collected a good number of courses that were just for me.
They are so good I usually watch or listen to them more than once. Here are some of the courses I got for me.
Building Great Sentences ****This course was a bit of a stretch as my preferred writing style is to cut everything down rather than build up. I'm finding it challenging and handy to do it another way.
Optimizing Brain Fitness ****I like the way Professor Restak uses all the tricks to enhance how much we retain of his lectures. This is a short course, but very helpful.
Effective Communication Skills *****This course is the first one Kurt bought for himself. It's been amazing what we've learned and all the ways that the information can be applied.
How to Read and Understand Poetry*****I bought this on audio because the sale price was that good. I've listened to it twice so far. The professor's sense of humor keeps this course interesting and moving along.
From Plato to Post-modernism *****Filled in a lot of holes in my education as well as sparking real interest in the subject. I read Hegel on the strength of one lecture. Wonderful class on Literary Criticism
Reason and Faith: Philosophy in the Middle Ages *****The illustrations in this class are so helpful and stay with you when you encounter the material in other settings. Beautiful, just the right size for getting into the subject without going in over your head.
The Life and Writings of C.S. Lewis *** I think it would have been better if I hadn't cut my teeth on all things Lewis, literally, Dad read me Narnia when I was a toddler. I'd outgrown this course before I took it.
The Great Ideas of Philosophy, 2nd Edition *****Excellent for recreational viewing and as a reference work. Dr. Robinson is exactly what you want in a philosophy professor, charming, knowledgeable, and certain without being assertive.
Great Authors of the Western Literary Tradition ***** Excellent team teaching effort. I loved each section and hated moving on to the next. These professors care so much that their subjects can still move them to tears. Great overview and sampler if you're looking for some new reading material.