Friday, April 12, 2024

McDonalds Coke

Coke from a can isn’t worth drinking. Coke from a plastic or glass bottle is pretty good, but if you really want Coke at its best, go to McDonalds. I don’t know what they do or why no other vendor or packaging options can match the perfection of McDonalds Coke. Do they have special machines? Secret recipe ice? I don’t know, but when I want a Coke I go to McDonalds.
I go to McDonalds for lots of things, small celebrations, consolation, nostalgia. It’s the home of so many early memories not just for me, but also for my children. It was my first job, and I killed the fry station. Three buses at once? Bring them on, I knew how to fast food. I still eat well-prepared fries with pride.
I’m hooked McDonalds. You’re my ride or die fast food. I get around, but I know where my home is. You can count on me, and my children to keep coming even if you have to change things up, like the fries. Maybe it’s time to diversify the sides menu so we can have better practices for producing potatoes. It might be fun. Imagine purple potatoes in the Happy Meals. Could be a good place to start.

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