Monday, June 27, 2022

Bagging It!

 Efficiency always interests me. About a year ago I started a system that allowed me to carry my personal work with me wherever I wanted to go. It involved cheap plastic project bags and a large bag that housed them all. The whole thing was great except for the wear and tear on the bags and their contents. The time had come for a more permanent solution. These bags are the best system for the moment.

The first bag on the left houses my bullet journal, commonplace book and accoutrement. You don’t need to be that into your bullet journal, but I’m down a size and my productivity as I make a life pivot is going up. It’s worth a bag with a specific place for markers and stickers and such.

The second bag is for my cross-stitch. I make endless mistakes on my cross-stitch, but for some reason they are interesting instead of stressful. Figuring out how to fix things is relaxing, plus there is all those beautiful threads, fabrics and patterns. I don’t do a lot that doesn’t serve some practical purpose, so cross-stitch is a nice change of pace.

The third bag is my reading/writing bag. I am currently writing a history through literature curriculum that requires reading a lot of texts. I have each text assigned to a project bag, and I have the notebooks where I write down the lessons tucked into the bag with a clipboard with storage, my casual reading and a set of fine tip markers for brainstorming. The clipboard serves as a convenient writing surface when I want to work on my novel or other writing projects.

The last bag is the biggest bag Land’s End sells. I put all the other bags and my iPad into it, and I am ready to go no matter which muse should strike.

The only problem I have at the moment is the weight, but for now it’s worth it.

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