Friday, July 26, 2013

Doctor Who Decor

Decorating for school is so much fun.  I've done all kinds of things.  Last year it was a pirate ship for the age of exploration.  Stepping into the period every day was very helpful in feeling a part of things.  This year I want them to soak in the ancients.  We're looking at the period through history, art and literature.  Last time we studied the ancients I put up a bulletin board about Egypt, and that was it.  The trouble with the ancients is how distinct each group is from the others.  I could recreate a ziggurat, but it'd be obsolete as soon as we moved on to Egypt.  That many costume changes for one classroom seems exhausting.  We went to see The Wolverine today, anyone who knows Kurt knows that was a must, and they were selling Dalek cutouts.  It hit me.  We are time travelers this year.  The classroom is our Tardis.  They do sell Tardis cut outs.  If I really get crazy I might try to work out some kind of teal and orange scheme.  Maybe we could get a bunch of thrift store junk to make our own control panel.  I'll have to do some research, but I'm pretty sure the Doctor will be our companion.

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