Monday, April 30, 2012


It starts the minute I walk through the foyer opening into the kitchen.  Left or Right?  Left usually.  I snag a 100% Whole Wheat English Muffin from the pantry rack and take a short step to the kitchen table where I grab a knife, a fork and a spoon.  Next comes a diagonal walk across the kitchen to the corner between the dishwasher and the stove.  I pull open the cupboard above the dishwasher and retrieve a small plate and a cup.  The silverware goes on the plate.  The cup stands by on the counter while I use the fork to split the muffin and pop it into the toaster oven.  I fill the hot pot with water and turn it on and then hop the cup over the stove to rest on another counter while I pull down my vitamins.  Currently, I am taking them in order of size and dumping them all out before taking them.  The vitamins go back to the cupboard, and I take two small steps to the fridge when I pull out the milk and the Smart Balance.  (I hate eating foods that require capitalization.)  The milk sits down next to the cup and them Smart Balance goes over to the toaster oven to await my muffin.  I pour 8 oz of milk, take the pills, and replace vitamins and milk in their respective homes.  The toaster has dinged by now, but I still need to visit the tea cupboard next to the fridge.  I pull down my giant mug and fill it with one PG Tips tea bag and the contents of four Splenda packets whose wrappers are trucked diagonally across the room to the trash.  I bring the mug back to the hot pot where I slide in the spoon.  The water can wait, but my muffin is getting cold.  I pull it out and place it on the small plate then butter it with thin curls of Smart Balance.  The water has generally boiled by now, so I pull out the spoon and let the water pummel the tea bag.  As soon as the water is dark enough I dump the tea bag in the trash, pick up the plate with the muffin and go sit quietly somewhere enjoying the last few minutes before I have to get to work.
 Right now that's as good as it gets.  It'll get better.  Managing cooking times is a bit wonky, and I want to reduce the number of times I leave the corner to do something else.  Optimizing things that I do frequently is one of my favorite games to play.  Breakfast is an especial favorite because there are so many variables.  I am also working on the best strategy for showering, settling into Barnes and Noble for writing time, getting through my workout, how best to put on and take off my backpack at different locations, and getting laundry smoothed out--amongst other things.  I used to worry that I was going to get stuck in a routine, but all these plans are about as permanent as a sand castle.  Take the English Muffins for example.  I love them, but Sam's has started to sell them in two packs totaling 18 instead of the 12 I prefer.  I may have to choose a new breakfast item which changes everything.  I think that might be part of the fun of it.

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