Wednesday, May 25, 2011

poor baby

Summer, for all intents and purposes, is here which means a lot of things, but my favorite is getting back to my writer's group a.k.a. the West Michigan Writer's Workshop. If you are a fanatical follower of this blog then you might wonder at the name change. Yes, it's the same group, but we've broken away from the UICA. I'll let you know when we have a website.
It is so tasty to sink my teeth into someone else's work for a change. The pink ink was flowing tonight. The unfortunate thing is that I don't seem able to produce work worth critiquing. The first draft is a long way from done and I haven't quite gotten into the mindset for my second draft. All of this has Harriet looking like a barrel of missionary clothes. I have to figure it out. This is summer, my one opportunity to get an outside opinion.

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