Friday, February 02, 2007

Time flies

This week was full of the little moments that make you notice time. The most important was my husband's tenth anniversary with General Dynamics. He really has enjoyed working there. It's a place where new ideas and creative thinking are encouraged. It is still hard to imagine that we have been here in this area so long. We arrived with just our firstborn, and since then we have been blessed in so many different ways. The whole time just rushed by full of good things to remember.
Our secondborn is having her ninth birthday which is the big American Girl birthday. She's chosen Samantha after long thought because Samantha cares about orphans. Orphans are Number 2's special interest. I'm very proud of her compassion and idealism. They are all in the middle of the birthday change whereby the uneven arithmetic of their births is jumbled for a few months before returning to it's every two years simplicity. I have to sit for a minute and work out who's had their birthday and who will have their birthday when people ask their ages.
I suppose the last thing that has me thinking about time's hurried rush is the slowly hardening realization that I have probably finished having children. There are a number of factors that make that possibility a probability, and I'd rather not go into them now. But I am facing the end of one of the happiest enterprises of my life. If I never accomplish another thing, if I drop dead tomorrow, I have done more than enough for the betterment of mankind, because I have brought five amazing people into the world. The security of knowing that makes the uncertainty of the future unimportant somehow. Somehow, what is is enough.

1 comment:

Steve Poling said...

There's a bittersweet realization each time I goto Dan's school functions. He's a senior and I realize that each such event is probably the last time we'll do that.

A lot of "do stuff with kids" activities are past tense now. My brother's kids are fun and we occasionally entertain them. In fact, the wheels and axles for his oldest's Awana Grand Prix car are in my basement right now.

You did well to have a larger family.