Monday, July 31, 2006

A TV School (It's in the Air)

This story starts here.

Helia stepped over a box in an effort to get to the kitchen. The floor of Sophia's former living room was a crazy maze--a little of everything just dumped by tired people overcome by the temptation of Hercules' barbecue. She wrapped her arms around Alistaire's middle while he laid out his knife set and unpacked his pots and pans.
"Problem number one, solved." she smiled.
"Hmph, if it hasn't created problems 10-100." he said.
"Did you see Penny unpacking her library?"
"No, but I helped her carry it up. You're right this is a good move and it does solve the overcrowding issue, at least on the weekdays, but the weekends are another matter. I still don't know how well this will work out."
"Let's just hope for the best."
"I always do." he smiled as he turned to kiss her. Helia's black curly hair was tied back with an old handkerchief and her clothes were damp with sweat.
"What shall we do about problem number 2--real jobs? I know you love the Foundation, and so do I, but they don't pay well, and I'm not sure they'll retain their funding next year. We have to start looking for something that pays well."
Helia looked pained. "We met at the Foundation. We've done such great work with them and I think they'll pull through."
"Honey, I'd love it if that was the case, but I've been talking to Bill and they'll be cutting staff even if the donor comes through. It would help everyone if we left and got jobs more in keeping with our responsibilities."
"I don't want to stop working with you. Whatever we do, we find jobs together, alright?"
"Honey, we'll try, but life doesn't offer guarantees."
Niko and Demetra came tearing into the apartment. "Mom, Dad, can we go to school on a TV show? Please?"
"What are you talking about?"
"This school, it's going to be on TV, and they need great kids to go to school there. The commercial says anyone can apply. We've got to do it! We'll be famous!"
Niko plugged in the TV and turned it on. "Just wait a minute, the commercial is playing a lot."
Helia and Alistaire were too tired to protest so they went out to the living room and crashed on the couch. The smell of barbecue wafted in through the open window as did family conversation. They waited through a few moments of a cartoon, and then there it was, an ad openly recruiting students to one of the most prestigious schools in the city.
"I'm sorry, Niko, but we can't afford Sonrise. The tuition is just too much. It is an exciting idea, but I'm afraid we can't do it."
Niko was discouraged, but not completely defeated. "What if you got jobs at Sonrise? I bet they'd give us a break on tuition."
"Not likely to happen, sport. Head out and get some ribs. Mom and I are on our way."
Niko and Demetra left deflated.
Helia was thoughtful. "You know we might start applying to private schools like Sonrise. We've been working in the field of education for years. We should be able to get a job at a private school even if we aren't certified."
"It's a good idea, but at the moment, all I can think about are those ribs."
"All right, meet you out there." Helia said.
The commercial started playing again. Helia scribbled the information on the side of a box. It was a place to start if nothing else.

This story continues here.

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