Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Retail Therapy

And now for something entirely different.

I like to remember my favorite things. Here's a few of them.

The Hoover Floormate
We have wonderful tile floors whose beauty thrills me until they suck up all that spilled milk and refuse to release it. No longer a problem.

The Teaching Company I don't know what I ever did without them. I love their courses, if I were wealthy I'd just tell them to send me one of everything.

Sam's Club A family of seven eats a lot of food. I shop at Sam's every week. Ever wonder who could eat all that stuff? That would be us.

The Five Year Journal I have an allergy to photographs, not really, but they preserve the past too accurately. I like a little fuzz in my memories. This is my alternative way of recording my kids growth and our everyday life together. It's on sale too.

My LG Washer (and Dryer) I have a mountain of laundry that never seems to go away. This machine keeps us from running around naked. It does a lot of laundry in a little time. God bless Canada.

Our local library I've already waxed eloquent in my first post, but now you can see its glory for yourself.

Bob Evans They are a family restaraunt without peer. You get picture menus, wholesome food, and good prices. Bonus, the wait staff doesn't get snotty when a large family comes in.

The Infinity Journal I like continuity. Journaling used to mean I had to change journals just as it was beginning to feel comfortable. Now I shall never have to confide my thoughts in a stranger again.

Panera Bread Life is not all family dining. Sometimes you need a meal alone or with your lover, or a deserving child, or a dear friend. This is my place, but I'm willing to share.

There's a lot more, but I'm starting to feel better. Thanks for listening.

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