Tuesday, February 28, 2006

An Overcrowded Office

Please forgive how behind I am on this blog. The more I write the more I need to write. Currently a host of characters, ideas and images have my mental desk on overload. My mental desk is always overfull, so this situation desperately needs addressed. The problem is that it's not just my mental desk that's precariously balanced, my physical desk in my office is looking overdue for an avalanche as well. I don't work well in messy spaces. (Don't tell my mother.) The problem is I have five kids and a large house to keep in order, so my personal space has to come last. I'm afraid that my writing on this blog will be spotty until I get this office cleared out. I can work on my novel anywhere, but the blog requires internet which is at my desk. Sorry guys, but I'll get back to it ASAP.

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