Thursday, November 02, 2023

Holly is Back: MO River Soap Co.


I love watching soap making. This is no news flash, but one of my favorites has been on the sidelines. Holly is so calm and confident with everything she does, and it is incredibly relaxing to watch. Her soaps are fun but in a measured way that sets them apart. Her designs are classy without being stuffy. I buy them for the people I love. One day I’ll get my own box from MO River Soap. 

This is the other miracle of Holly, her box packing videos. After a big release she pulls up the camera and chats away while putting together beautiful box after beautiful box. I find them truly addictive and watch them with tea or hot chocolate nearby.

Holly had been missing for a while because she was following her dream to live in Montana. Roughing it in her lovely fifth-wheel, she just finished building her soap studio, and is now ready to tackle their log cabin. I wish her all the best.

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