Friday, July 14, 2023

Comfort Movie


Somewhere as I wandered the internet I was asked what movie I watch over and over for comfort, might have been Katie Carson at Royalty Soaps. It seemed like a simple question, but every time I thought about it I came up blank. My best answer is Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I have a very special dad who loves fixing cars. I almost don’t watch it because I get too emotional. Even my best answer doesn’t fit the requirements.

The idea of an in-case-of-emergency-plug-this-in-movie seems wise. I have plans for films and TV shows to watch in case of severe illness or trauma. They are comedies that I know, but haven’t worn out. (SNL I’ve never seen, but it sounds right.) This more general purpose movie or group of movies can be more diverse. I like to have a plan when tackling a project like this, and this time I’m starting with Spielberg. I love his films. I’ve never regretted money spent on a Spielberg film. It’s a large and fairly diverse body of work. I’ll probably approach it chronologically. I like things to have an order. After seeing The Dial of Destiny, I might just declare Indy the winner and call it done. It’s a great series, not a dud in the bunch, but then I won’t have an excuse for watching everything else. I think watching everything else would do me good. It’s a comforting thought.

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