Monday, June 03, 2013

Girl's Preparatory School

This current stretch of Harriet is so dry and full of disappointments, that I'm having trouble giving it life and movement.  Fortunately I had the good sense to enroll Harriet in Chattanooga's famous Girl's Preparatory School.  It comes with tons of ready made life, and thanks to a research trip and the school's generosity I'm painting in the much needed details to ease the struggle to read about Harriet's unmooring depression.  
It's making it easier to write about it too.  So far I've discovered that there was both a Harriet and a Lucy in the class of 1964, and that they shared interests with my Harriet and Lucy.  When I can't stand how sad it's getting I reach for that annual, and something perks things up, if only for me.

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