Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Briar Patch

Retreat! The drooling starts with a picture of a bed and a desk in a room, for me to enjoy all by myself. Usually it takes a full nervous breakdown for me to have that kind of luxurious privacy. It continues with various reminders that this is a quiet experience. Have I mentioned my six kids? Then there is all the property to explore, and the places for contemplation. St. Lazare's is located on the outskirts of the village where I live. Our motto is "Where nature smiles for seven miles." I'm looking forward to some nature. Free time to read and pray and write alternates various opportunities for worship, and I need to worship, especially in my quiet, introverted way. There will even be confession which is a great tune up right before Easter.
Lots of Jesus, lots of time to get back in step, this is the way it should be, and I don't have to be Brer Rabbit to know it.

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