Thursday, January 31, 2013

Poor Pour Pore

Ok, it's not that bad, but it feels like it is.  Middle-age acne has been worse than anything I had in adolescence.  Sometimes it feels like I'm oozing puss from every pore.  I keep trying different solutions and they work for a while and then there's some kind of allergic reaction and it's worse.  Evidently this is my body's last flourish and hope for reproducing, but I'll only have ink and paper babies from now on. 
I've considered makeup, but I feel like David in Saul's armor.  I gave up cosmetics after a summer in stage makeup, and I still prefer to meet people as I am.  There are times and places for such things, but not everyday.  So, everyday I wince, smear on the latest remedy, and go out. 
I've taken my appearance for granted.  I've been comfortable in my own skin, but previous to now, my skin was comfortable.  It's reminded me of others who have no choice about an upsetting appearance, they either live with our stares or stay home and skip living.  Hopefully this opportunity will make me more open to the brave souls around me.

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