Thursday, January 15, 2009

Teaching again

Tomorrow I will be in a classroom full of preschoolers for the first time in a long time. The plans are to introduce them to the "superheroes" of the alphabet and then enjoy How Big is a Foot with related activities. I've really been enjoying preparations. I paid fifteen bucks at Home Depot and got two big and four small write and wipe boards. The big boards will be large enough that I can trace around kids and such.
We're going to make plastic bag capes and talk about how aeiou are the only letters that get to say their name. We're going to talk about short and long vowel sounds. I love to get the kinesthetic kids (and who isn't at this age) up and moving by using our whole bodies to draw the letters in the air.
For How Big is a Foot my husband, who has the day off, will be coming in because his foot is actually a foot long. We'll make models of everyone's feet and measure things to see how differently it comes out with their little feet and Kurt's great big ones. We may act out the story, just for fun. Measuring things is always a good time.
I hope you are going to have just as much fun tomorrow as I will. If you're looking for me, I might be the one in the dinosaur jumper. You never know.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

You sound like a great preschool teacher! I encourage my students to use literature in math class, and that is a great book to use! Have fun!!!