Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Date Night!

Tonight, tonight won't be just any night, tonight there will be no children to lug around. It's date night! We all love date night. One of the best features of this house is that Ashley lives next door. She is one of those people who are born knowing what to do with kids. When Ashley arrives little hands plant themselves firmly on my backside and push toward the door. They don't have to push too hard because it's such fun to have my husband to myself for an evening.
We tried a lot of different, creative ways to arrange for some face to face time without leaving the house. Some were more successful than others, but there really is no substitute for a good babysitter.
Tonight I'm hoping to enjoy the City of Ember. The only thing I know about it is the trailer which I enjoyed. To arrive with no expectations is a rare pleasure these days. I'll let the story speak for itself. I hope Kurt likes it too. It's about a dying generator. An engineer has to like that--right?

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Hope you two had a great date night! We haven't gone on one w/o Nadia yet (of course she's only turning 4 months old this week), but that is something we want to get back into the habit of doing at some point. :-) I hope we find an "Ashley."