Friday, September 19, 2008

Cooperative Homeschooling--how fun is that!

We joined the LMHSC, and today was our first day. It was fabulous. The kids were so excited about the classes, and everyone was on the hunt for friends. The church where we meet was crammed with kids, around 70 or so. There were classes for all my kids even the baby had a place to be. The four class periods moved very smoothly and my husband was able to come over for lunch with us.
When I collected the kids at the end of the day they were all planning for next week, and I have to confess my teacher genes began to itch. I'd forgotten the pleasure of a group of age mates working on a project. The only thing now is to decide what I'd like to teach and when I'll feel up to adding another responsibility in my crowded life. I could ditch my novel--some of my writer's group suggested I should, but every time I decide to do that my conscience bothers me. At this moment that's the only thing I can jettison, so I guess I've got a year to do my planning.
I love planning!

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