Sunday, June 29, 2008


I recently went through a very dark time, a trial of the soul. In the midst of it, I came near to despair. A kind chaplain stepped in and got me breathing again, then he gave me a pamphlet about Mother Theresa. It's just two half sheets of paper stapled together, but the story of her struggles in the dark was an anchor. I wrote my truth all over it, and whenever the darkness threatened to return I reread her story. When I was feeling well enough to start planning for the future, I promised myself I'd buy her autobiography and read all of it. I was fulfilling that promise when I found this quote, and I went all goosebumpy.
“If I ever become a Saint—I will surely be one of “darkness.” I will continually be absent from Heaven—to lit the light of those in darkness on earth .”
—Mother Teresa of Calcutta
I love being a Catholic.

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