Monday, June 02, 2008

Choking Iran

I watched snatches of Bush's War last night before general weariness sent me to bed early. I am left wondering if I'm the only person who looks at our current wars as actually a semi-subtle way of controlling Iran, the actual threat. We have very credible evidence that Iran is actually working on acquiring nuclear capability. We've invaded countries with little political clout in the middle east and removed regimes that were a general nuisance. Both countries have enough Fundamentalist fervor to provide us with endless excuses for staying, and staying means we are always just a step away from squashing any move the more popular regime in Iran cares to make. It's brilliant.
I worry about withdrawing not because of any real change in circumstances in Iraq or Afghanistan, but rather because of the real threat in Iran. I suppose those that would have us withdraw feel that we need to start having a more sophisticated relationship with the region, one that relies less on corporal punishment. That may be a better long-term strategy, but it is a big gamble. What is one to do about the unruliness of children.

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